Term Open Rank Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Virginia Commonwealth University
June 26, 2024
Post date: March 26, 2024

Term Open Rank Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies


Chief purpose of this position:

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) Program at Virginia Commonwealth University is seeking a faculty colleague with expertise in the teaching and scholarship of mixed and immersive virtual reality. The successful candidate will be expected to teach introductory and summative courses in the IDS program’s new Mixed & Immersive Reality Studies minor, core classes in the Interdisciplinary Studies major, including interdisciplinary theory and capstone courses, and special topics courses in their field of expertise. This position will additionally contribute to the curricular development, innovative pedagogy, and assessment of the minor and program.


Position Responsibilities:

  • Teach a 4/4 instructional load to include the introductory and culminating courses for the Mixed & Immersive Reality Studies minor, as well as interdisciplinary theory and capstone courses (i.e., IDST 301 and 499) as needed for the IDS major, including online sections.
  • Lead the Mixed & Immersive Reality Studies minor curricular development, pedagogical innovation, and assessment practices.
  • Support the IDS administrative team to foster the continued development of the program.
  • Coordinate cross-departmental faculty in teaching in and contributing to the Mixed & Immersive Reality Studies minor.
  • Participate in regular IDS program meetings.
  • Service on program, administrative unit, and university-wide committees, as necessary.


Required Qualifications:

  • Terminal degree (PhD or equivalent preferred) in a relevant interdisciplinary field that focuses on the study of human experience in virtual environments.
  • Commitment to working in a learning-centered environment focused on integrative learning.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in collaboration with others including faculty from other disciplines.
  • Demonstrated experience working in and fostering a diverse faculty, staff and student environment or commitment to do so as a faculty member at VCU.
  • Strong communication skills.


Preferred Qualifications

  • Evidence of excellence in college-level teaching, including online teaching.
  • Demonstrated experience working with and teaching non-traditional and URM students.
  • Demonstrated experience launching and growing new academic courses and/or minors.
  • Familiarity with designing course- and program-level assessment strategies.
  • Potential for grant development in areas related to the Mixed & Immersive Reality Studies minor.


To apply:



Virginia Commonwealth University is committed to providing accessible and equitable living, learning, and working environments free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), political affiliation, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or disability.

Review Begins: 
April 1, 2024

Job, fellowship, and CFP listings are services that are offered by the American Studies Association to support its members in exploring professional opportunities in American studies. Any questions should be directed to the program, department, or center that has posted the opportunity.