Regional Chapters
Regional Chapter Map

The Committee on Regional Chapters is a standing committee of the American Studies Assoication. The Committee functions to keep the Council and the association’s membership informed of the current activities, interests, and needs, of the regional chapters; to act as a liaison between the association and the regional chapters; and to have responsibility for special tasks involving the association’s regional chapters. The Committee on Regional Chapters is composed of one member of the association from each of the regional chapters, who are named by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Council, following a request to the regional chapters for their recommendations and an open call to the membership for self-nominations and suggestions. Each of these members serve three-year, non-renewable staggered terms. They must be members in good standing of their respective chapters, as well as of the association. The chair of the Committee on Regional Chapters is named from the committee’s membership by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Council and serves a single term not exceeding three years.