Digital Humanities Caucus Advisory Board and Editorial Elections
The ASA DH Caucus seeks nominations for its Advisory Board, including editorial roles on the American Quarterly Digital Projects Review. This group plays a direct role in planning the coming year's caucus-related events at the annual ASA meeting, community events, and engages critically in the work of building a DH community within American Studies.
Please submit nominations to run for election by August 25 using this form. Self-nominations are welcome!
Election Timeline:
- Nominated individuals will be asked to prepare a short (no more than 300 word) statement for circulation to the membership by September 1
- Elections via email ballot will be held from September 4 - September 15
- First transitional meeting with new and old board at the end of September
Please see below for more information about the DH Caucus Steering Committee positions.
Roles Seeking Nominations
Advisory Committee (1 positions - 2 years): A member of the advisory committee serves a two-year term. Members are expected to be active in the leadership and work of the Caucus, including organizing and executing Caucus initiatives and events. They should also plan to be at meetings of the ASA and DH Caucus meetings for the duration of their term. A member can serve up to two terms in a row.
Vice-Chair (1 position - 3 years): The Vice-Chair serves a three-year term - Vice-Chair (year 1), Chair (year 2), and Past-Chair (year 3). Responsibilities include supporting our annual events along with developing initiatives that support Caucus members. They also are expected to attend and lead meetings of the ASA and DH Caucus meetings for the duration of their term.
All voting members of the caucus are eligible to serve on the Advisory Committee in any role and are also eligible to vote in caucus elections. Voting members are those who have signed up as caucus members and presented at the ASA or attended the DH Caucus meeting at least once in the past 3 years (2020, 2021, or 2022). We recognize that precarious labor is a major issue for American Studies and particularly DH. As a result, those who help with projects (either as a part of the DH Caucus or were presented at the ASA), but could not necessarily attend the ASA in person, will also be considered voting members.