The Critical Disability Studies Caucus of the American Studies Association is pleased to announce the competition for the annual Critical Disability Studies Graduate Student Paper Award. Graduate students who have had papers accepted for the annual meeting may compete for the award (M.A., Ph.D.).

Submissions may deal with any aspect of critical disability studies as it intersects with American Studies. Papers that have been previously presented or accepted for publication are ineligible. The prize includes a certificate and recognition at the caucus meeting held at the annual meeting.

Please submit a single PDF, including the conference paper (3,500 word maximum, including citations and notes), and a cover page including the author’s name, paper title, institutional affiliation, and contact information to on or before October 20.

Finally, we also strongly encourage all applicants, especially first-time attendees of ASA, to apply for the Baxter Prize, a travel grant for graduate students (due October 5).