Below are frequently asked questions regarding paper and panel planning for the Annual Meeting. 

  1. How long should my paper be?
  2. What is the deadline for circulating my paper to the panel’s commentator?
  3. To whom should I submit my bio for introductions?
  4. What audio-visual equipment will be provided?
  5. Can I post links, photos, or other materials to the online program?
  6. Can I request a specific day or time for my paper or session?
  7. How do committees, caucuses, and chapters reserve space on the program for business meetings or special events?
  8. When will the final program schedule be circulated?
  9. Whom should I contact if I have further questions?

1. How long should my paper be?

Session organizers should make sure that their session begins on time, and that participants stay well within time limits. All sessions are 100 minutes in length. This includes the reading of papers, responses by the commentators, and comments from the audience. 

The following chart can be used by the session chair as a guide to allocating time during the 100-minute session, assuming that one takes five minutes for introductions.

Number of Presenters Time (Limit) for Each Presenter Time for Commentator Time for Audience Q&A
3 20 min. (2000 words) 17 min. 18 min.
4 16 min. (1600 words) 15 min. 16 min.
5 13 min. (1300 words) 15 min. 15 min.

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2. What is the deadline for circulating my paper to the panel’s commentator?

If your session has a commentator, you and your fellow participants must send copies of their completed papers to them by September 15. This date may be adjusted by consent of your commentator.

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3. To whom should I submit my bio for panel introductions?

The session chair will coordinate contact among the session participants to ensure maximum integration of presentations. Participants should send the session chair a brief biographical statement to be used in introductions.

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4. What audio-visual equipment will be provided?

In 2025, the ASA will supply session rooms with wireless microphones. Laptops are not provided. Projectors and speakers may be requested as part of the proposal submission and acceptance process. For more information, please our A/V Equipment Policies.

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5. Can I post links, photos, or other materials to the online program?

Yes, sessions may post links to graphics, primary source extracts, video and audio clips, illustrations, posters, or other materials in the online program. Please include requests to include links in your proposal and notify no later than September 15, 2025. 

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6. Can I request a specific day or time for my paper or session?

The annual meeting is an opportunity for the gathering of a robust intellectual community that is sustained by the generosity of all participants. The time we spend with each other and our commitment to American Studies are what make the ASA work. 

We look forward to your participation in the entire conference. If you are accepted to present at the conference, we expect that you are available for scheduling at any time during the entire annual meeting. It is not possible to guarantee any session or panelist a specific day or time on the program or to accommodate requests for particular days or times. We thank you for understanding and your colleagues appreciate your sustained participation throughout the conference. 

If you are part of an ASA Board, committee, caucus, or chapter and expect to attend one or more of the business meetings or receptions of these groups, please indicate on your Speaker Agreement form which Board/committee/caucus/chapter(s) you anticipate participating in so that we can endeavor to avoid scheduling conflicts. Speaker Agreement forms will be shared when proposal and session acceptances are communicated on April 1st and are due April 15th. 

You may request not to be scheduled on a religious holiday that coincides with a day or days of the conference. Please indicate your request on your Speaker Agreement. Speaker Agreement forms will be shared when proposal and session acceptances are communicated on April 1st and are due April 15th.

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7. How do committees, caucuses, and chapters reserve space on the program for business meetings or special events?

Requests for space for business meetings or special events, such as breakfasts, luncheons, receptions or tours, can be submitted through the proposal submission and conference management site, All Academic. Once logged in, members should select the option to "submit a business meeting or reception request" and then complete the form. 

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8. When will the final program schedule be circulated?

The conference schedule will be shared online July 1, 2025.

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9. Whom should I contact if I have further questions?

For further information, please contact ASA staff at

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