Photo from the Denver Annual Meeting

The Roof is on Fire
November 3-6, 2022
Hilton New Orleans Riverside

Dear ASA Members,

It’s a busy time of year at the ASA and planning is well underway for the 2022 New Orleans meeting.  If you’re looking to join us, read the tips below to make sure you won’t encounter problems hitting up against the February 1 deadline (11:59PM, Pacific time).

Tip #1: Log into the ASA website well ahead of the deadline

Logging into the ASA website ahead of the deadline ensures you won’t encounter difficulties on the day you submit a proposal. If you encounter problems, you can: 1) retrieve your username or reset your password, 2) consult our user ID FAQs to troubleshoot, or 3) contact technical support during business hours at or 1-800-548-1784 (1-410-516-6987 International).

Tip #2: Renew your membership (if you haven’t already). 

Everyone submitting, revising, or reconfiguring a proposal must have a current membership or a lifetime membership. (For exceptions, read below* or consult our FAQs.) While expired memberships will be prompted for renewal at All Academic, it will ease the process if you plan ahead and renew on the ASA website.

Tip #3: Check in with your participants. 

While All Academic (the proposal submission site) will allow you to select recently expired members as panel participants or enter the name of someone who may never have been an ASA member, it will be your responsibility, as the organizer, to ensure that all participants of your panel renew their membership by the Feb 1 deadline.*

Tip #4: Submit a topic for collaboration. 

If you’re still looking for a panel or participants, we invite you to submit a topic for collaboration—or review the many topics already submitted this year. Also make sure to read our Guidelines for Getting on the Program, which offers tips for getting your proposal accepted.

Tip #5: Log into All Academic. 

To log into the All Academic site, visit Submit a Proposal. You’ll see FAQs on preparing your proposal, using the proposal submission site, and planning for your panel—all of which are worth reading before the deadline. Click the “submit a proposal” button to test logging into All Academic, which will confirm that your membership renewal has been activated for your ASA account. 

*Exceptions: Exceptions to the ASA’s rule of active membership include non-academics (activists, medical doctors, and artists, for example) who can request a waiver by February 1, or international scholars who are members of an international affiliate. If you are a member of an international affiliate, please email the ASA Office by Jan 24th (at the latest) to receive a guest account that you can use to waive ASA membership as part of your proposal submission. 

*Changes: The ASA previously limited attendees’ participation to appearance on one scholarly session, regardless of role, and one professional development panel. Some institutions do not provide financial support if an individual scholar is not listed as a presenter; thus, for the 2022 ASA Meeting, participants can chair, moderate, or comment on one scholarly session, present their own original work in a second session, and participate in a professional development panel.

The 2022 Program Committee also enthusiastically invites proposals for experimental approaches to collective participation that depart from the panel, roundtable, and workshop formats.

 Read more on this year's theme.

We’re well aware of the major change of circumstances (financial, health, and otherwise) that may require potentially a number of people to participate through online, videoconference, or pre-recorded means. We encourage you to move ahead with your panel if folks are still committed, and to select on your submission form which virtual format works best for your panelists. You should select the online format (for sessions with papers) or videoconference/pre-recorded format (for experimental sessions without papers).

We’re looking forward to New Orleans—and we hope you are too.

John Stephens
Executive Director
The American Studies Association

Posted for ASA Office in Annual Meeting
Post date: January 5, 2022

Community announcements and events are services that are offered by the ASA to support the organizing efforts of critical constituency groups. They do not reflect the decisions or actions of the association’s governance bodies, the National Council or Executive Committee. Questions should be directed to the committee, caucus, or chapter that has authored and posted this notice.